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Posted by Defence Centre on

SMEs in Australia’s defence industry are being invited to be part of the research process which examines whether existing Defence procurement processes and existing standard terms in Defence contracts present challenges for current and potential suppliers to Defence.

Purpose of the Study

Conducted by Dr Colette Langos, Senior Lecturer in Law at The University of Adelaide, the purpose of the study is to capture and better understand the perspective of SMEs on Defence’s current procurement processes. The empirical data gathered will be used to inform recommendations for reform to optimise the critical commercial relationship between defence industry and Defence.

“As an academic with a background in Defence and Military Law and Ethics, I am acutely aware of the Defence procurement challenges members of our SME community face,” Dr Langos said.

“With the Defence Strategic Review (2023) highlighting just how critical defence industry is in ensuring the Australia Defence Force (ADF) is fit for purpose and the Defence Industry Development Strategy (2024) demonstrating commitment to reform of the Defence contracting framework, the survey provides SMEs with a voice elucidating what changes ought to occur to optimise the commercial relationship between government and industry.”

“The ultimate goal must be reform which best harnesses the SME Defence Industry base to meet the strategic needs of the ADF.”

Survey Details / How to Participate

People who work for an Australian SME, who are/will be involved in the tender process and contract negotiations/award on behalf of that SME for Defence projects are best placed to answer the questions contained in the survey.

All answers are strictly confidential, and the data will be unidentifiable.

The online survey should only take 10- 15 minutes to complete and is available here until 12 April 2024:

If you have any questions about the project contact Dr Langos at

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