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Posted by Defence Centre on

The release of the Defence Industry Development Strategy (DIDS) signals a significant change to how Defence and defence industry work together to deliver critical capabilities to the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

DIDS highlighted that increased collaboration and changes to Defence procurement are needed to ‘deliver a more capable, innovative, resilient and competitive sovereign defence industrial base’.

Libby Day, CEO of the Defence Teaming Centre, said DIDS is an important body of work that will ensure defence industry is better supported by Defence to deliver the capabilities required to meet Australia’s strategic circumstances.

"DIDS represents a crucial step forward, building upon the recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review (DSR) and superseding outdated policy frameworks,” Libby said.

“With DIDS, Defence and the defence industry are poised to navigate evolving strategic circumstances more effectively, ensuring Australia's capability requirements are met with agility and innovation.

“It's imperative to view DIDS as a key building block within a broader suite of DOD reforms, and the DTC is looking forward to the release of the other reviews in the early part of 2024 to see how this strategy fits into the other suite of changes.”

The Defence Teaming Centre is hosting a Defence Leaders Breakfast on the 23 May in Adelaide from 8am to 10am to discuss the strategies released by government and the opportunities, implications and changes this will have on businesses. This will include the:

  • Surface Combatant Fleet Review
  • Defence Industry Development Strategy
  • Integrated Invest Plan (anticipated release date end of April)
  • National Defence Strategy (anticipated release date end of April)

DIDS was developed in response to the recommendations made in Defence Strategic Review (DSR) and replaces the outdated 2016 Defence Industry Policy and the 2018 Defence Industrial Capability Plan.

The full DIDS report can be found here.

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