Advocating for defence industry

Providing defence industry with a voice and ensuring this voice is heard and considered by federal and state government is one of our key missions.
The Australian Federal Government has committed itself to increasing Defence spend to 2% of the nation's GDP. The Government has recognised the need for advocates for continuous workflow in order to develop and sustain the national defence industrial base. Furthermore, it is actively pursuing and promoting Defence export opportunities to further develop the industry.
The Federal Government is seeking a ‘single voice’ for the SMEs that support defence industry. The DTC represents a credible and effective voice for Australia’s Defence Industry at all levels of Government.
The DTC ensures its voice remains credible by:
- Attending regular meetings in Canberra to brief politicians on key industry issues
- Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders and decision makers
- Promoting Australian defence industry and member’s capabilities through multichannel communication campaigns
- Leveraging industry leaders and the DTC board for advocacy activities
Our policy and advocacy spokespeople are focused on:
- Evaluating and providing advice on existing policies and legislation
- Conducting qualitative and quantitative research into the defence industry sector
- Preparing submissions in response to proposed new or amended government policies
- Liaising with, and representing, the views of defence industry to government and key decision makers in Defence
- Working with members to learn about their concerns and how these issues can be overcome
If you are a DTC member and would like to talk about issues affecting you in the defence industry sector please contact us at
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